Reyl Resurgence Fund EUR

Class A

Fund Investment Objectives

The Reyl Resurgence Fund is a portfolio of specialist investment managers, which are ideally positioned to benefit from the coming phases of the credit cycle. These managers are experienced teams that have already lived through market cycles and that manage new portfolios with committed long term capital. The greatest credit market dislocation since the Great Depression has generated a massive supply-demand imbalance in securities across the global financial markets. This is a unique cyclical opportunity to benefit from the purchase of assets and cash flows that are undervalued relative to their intrinsic values. Corporate defaults are projected to increase significantly and this will create further opportunities in distressed credit and corporate reorganizations. The Fund is the ideal vehicle to monetize these opportunities: many investors lack the experience to directly deploy capital effectively across the available assets, mainly because values of structured and credit securities are difficult to ascertain due to their limited trading volumes and their structural complexity. Resurgence focuses on identifying managers with very specific skills, expert in niche strategies, able to understand complex structures and to profit from their mispricing. The Fund's investment guidelines provide efficient diversification of risks: Directional, Liquidity, Dependency, Concentration, Correlation & Operational. The Fund's strategy will Identify opportunities created by deleveraging and by the bear market and will contemplate becoming liquidity providers to capture the current rich premium, seizing opportunities by deploying capital to sector specialists. The fund will achieve its goals by focusing on allocations to newly created portfolios of limited size to increase capital efficiency, while avoiding problems that are widely present in larger and older portfolios. The minimum investment is 250'000EUR. One year soft lockup for this fund.