HJ Sims

At HJ Sims, we live and breathe the bond market. And we have the track record to prove it. Through bull markets and bear; through booms, bubbles and busts, we’ve demonstrated our exceptional expertise. For our clients, that means the ability to build wealth without riding the Wall Street roller coaster.

Through the years, we’ve compiled an impressive track record:

  • Since 1965, we’ve underwritten over $7.6 billion in high yield, non-investment grade bonds
  • Of these, over $4.05 billion have already reached maturity, been repaid or closed
  • The composite return on these issues translates to an average modified yield of 9.56%*
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    Alan Appelbaum is a people person. Alan was President and CEO of AFBest Securities, Inc., and was a friendly competitor to HJ Sims. With an emphasis on “friendly,” Bill Sims at one point even asked Alan to help train a new Sims advisor. After Alan decided to retire, Bill seized the opportunity and invited Alan, with his vast experience and outsized personality, to join HJ Sims as president of the firm.

    Today, Alan is a man who continues to love what he does. He was drawn to bonds because "municipal bonds" do what they say they’re going to do. They’re honest. Virtually all [municipal] bonds pay back their principal at maturity.”

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